Was organizer/panel chair/presenter/discussant/papers co-author at almost 200 national and international conferences/symposia/colloquia in Belarus/Europe/North and South America/Japan. Selected papers and presentations include:
Was organizer/panel chair/presenter/discussant/papers co-author at almost 200 national and international conferences/symposia/colloquia in Belarus/Europe/North and South America/Japan. Selected papers and presentations include:
Abstract submitted “Russia Public Diplomacy Efforts to Influence Neighbors: Media Messaging Supports Hard Power Projection” (authored with Catherine Luther, Brandon Prince, Natalie Rice, and others) to 72nd Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Paris, France, May 26-39, 2022
Abstract submitted “Traditional and Social Media Usage and Pro-Russian versus Anti-Russian Attitudes in Belarus and Ukraine” (authored with Natalie Rice, Maureen Taylor, and others) to 72nd Annual Conference of International Communication Association, Paris, France, May 26-39, 2022
Abstract submitted “Effectiveness of Russian Propaganda/Disinformation in the FSU Countries: Data Analysis and Measurement” (authored with Natalie Rice, Michael Fitzgerald, and Maureen Taylor) to 77th Annual Conference of AAPOR, Chicago, USA, May 11-13, 2022
Chair of a Panel " Political and Legal Questions in the Post-Soviet Space” at 53d Annual Convention of ASEEES, New Orleans, USA, December 1-3, 2021
Presentation “A Split in Belarusian Society and Russian/Belarusian Propaganda Campaigns – 2020” at 53d Annual Convention of ASEEES, New Orleans, USA, November 18-21, 2021
Paper “Effectiveness of Russian propaganda in Belarus in Comparative Perspective” presented at the 52nd Annual Convention of ASEEES, Washington D.C., USA, November 5-8, 2020
Paper “Examining Russian Propaganda in FSU Countries” (authored with Michael Fitzgerald, Natalie Rice and Suzie Allard) presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA, September 10-13, 2020
Paper “Studying Effectiveness of Russian Disinformation and Propaganda Campaigns in Selected Former Soviet Union States Through Media and Public Opinion Monitoring” (authored with Michael Fitzgerald, Natalie Rice and Suzie Allard) presented at the 75th Annual Conference of AAPOR, Atlanta, USA, May 14-17, 2020
Paper “Media and Evolution of Public Opinion on Russia in Belarus in comparative perspective” accepted at the ASEEES Annual Convention, San Francisco, December 23-26, 2019
Co-authored paper “Social media data as a window on disinformation campaign strategies” presented at the Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Convention, Washington D.C., May 24-28, 2019
Co-authored paper “Information Warfare Against U.S. Voters: An Analysis of the Russian Ads Targeting U.S. Facebook Users, 2015-2017” presented at the Annual AAPOR Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 16-19, 2019
Presentation “Impact of Russian Media on Belarus and on the Other Countries in the East Slavic Triangle” at the Annual Convention of ASEEES, Boston, USA, December 6-9, 2018
Paper “Independent Public Opinion Polling vs. Authoritarian State (A case of Belarus)” accepted at the Annual Conference of AAPOR, Denver, USA, May 16-19, 2018
Presentation “Reshuffling Social Stratification and Its Consequences in the East Slavic Triangle" at the Annual Convention of ASEEES, Chicago, USA, November 9-12, 2017
Presentation “Change and diversity in Russian public opinion on the USA" at 72nd Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), New Orleans, USA, May 18-21, 2017
Chair and discussant of Panel "Belarus: Domestic Events and Outside Actors," Presentation “Changing Boundaries of Media Freedom in Belarus” at the Annual Convention of ASEEES, Washington D.C., USA, November 17-20, 2016
Co-authored paper "Pulling the Curtain Behind Anti-Americanism in Russia: An Examination of Two Theoretical Approaches” presented at the Annual AAPOR Conference, Austin, May 12-15, 2016
Presentation “Belarus in the mirror of public opinion” at Kennan Institute Event “Belarus: Between a Rock and a Hard Place," Washington D.C., USA, March 3, 2016
Presentation “Belarusian Presidential Elections of 2015: Point of Bifurcation?” at 47 Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES), Philadelphia, USA, November 19-22, 2015
Presentation “Belarus before Elections: No Worry for the President” at Kennan Institute Symposium "Belarus before Elections," Washington D.C., USA, September 11, 2015
Presentation “Soviet Historical Memory and Current Politics in Belarus” at IX World Congress of ICCEES, Tokyo, Japan, August 3-8, 2015
Head of Panel “Politics of Memory” at IX World Congress of ICCEES, Tokyo, Japan, August 3-8, 2015
Presentation “Media in Post-Soviet Belarus: Between Democratization and Reinforcing Authoritarianism” at the International Conference "Media and Democratization in Post-Soviet Nations," Elliott School of International Affairs, George Washington University, Washington, D.D., USA, September 24-25, 2013
Presentation “Peculiarities of Belarusian Authoritarianism and Its Influence on Regime Dynamics in Russia and Ukraine” at the International Conference “1913-2013 for Eurasia: A Great Experiment or a Lost Century?” Osaka University of Economics and Law, Osaka, Japan, August 9-10, 2013
Presentation “Belarus Civil Society at Risk: the Role of Citizens and the State Today" at the International NGO Conference Representatives to the Council of Europe "Democracy at Risk: The Role of Citizens and the State Today," Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, 25-28 June 2012
Speaker and Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee of the International Conference “Future of Belarus”, IISEPS-CEES-USAID, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 25-26, 2012
Presentation "Public Opinion and Evolution of Values in Belarus" at the International Conference "Studies of Public Opinion and Evolution of Values in Post-Communist Countries," Warsaw Scholl of Social Psychology, Poland, April 26-27, 2012
Presentation "Peculiarities of Public Opinion Studies in Independent Belarus" at the International Colloquium "Studies of Public Opinion in Eastern Europe," FORSA Institute, Berlin, Germany, April 20, 2012
Presentation "Belarusian Society after the Economic Crisis" at the International Conference "Third Sector and Belarus Prospects," Stefan Batory Foundation, Warsaw, Poland, March 15-16, 2012
Presentation "Consequences of the Economic Crisis in the Mirror of Public Opinion" at the International Seminar "Belarus Today: Potential for Changes," Chatham House, London, UK, December 12, 2011
Presentation "Where Belarusians Are Going To?" at the International Conference "Berlin-Warsaw-Minsk," Wroclaw, Poland, November 14, 2011
Presentation Belarus Problems and Perspectives in the Mirror of Public Opinion" at the International Seminar "Twenty Years of Independent Belarus," Washington, DC, Carnegie Endowment, October 26, 2011
Presentation "Media in Belarus: Socialism with a Capitalist Face" at the International Conference "Contemporary Perspectives of Journalism and Media Evolution in Central Europe," Kaunas, Lithuania, Vitas Magnus University, October 14, 2011
Presentation "Peculiarities of Belarus at the International Colloquium "Twenty Years of Post-Communist Transformations in Europe and NIS," Ljubljana, Slovenia, Center for Studies in Post-Communist Economics, September 23-24, 2011
Paper "Spiral of Silence" in Election Campaigns in Post-Communist Society," at the 62d Conference of The World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) "Public Opinion and Survey Research in a Changing World," Switzerland, Lausanne, September 11-13, 2009
Presentation of books published by IISEPS in 1999-2008, at the Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Canada, Toronto, September 3-6, 2009
Presentation "Independent Social Science under Authoritarian Pressure," at the International Symposium "The Battle of Ideas Still Rages: Attacks on Academic Freedom in the 21st Century”, USA, New York, Columbia University, September 23-24, 2008
Presentation "Survey Research in Emerging Democracies: the Case of Belarus," at the 61st Conference of The World/American Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR/AAPOR) "Polls for Public Good," New Orleans, USA, May 13-15, 2008
Presentation “From University Scholar to Rescue Scholar” at the University of Tennessee Sen. Baker Center for Public Policy, USA, Tennessee, Knoxville, April 2, 2008
Paper "Belarus on the "Huntington Line": Media and Democracy," at the "Freedom, Media and Democracy in Eastern Europe" Conference, Freiburg, Switzerland, June 22-23, 2007.
Presentation “The State and Public Opinion Polls: a Gloomy Case of Belarus” at the “Right for Assembly and Freedom of Expression in Europe” Conference, Vienna, Austria, March 29-30, 2007.
Presentation “Perspectives of Belarus-Russia Relations” at the “Russia Today” Roundtable, Chatham House, London, UK, February 1, 2007.
Presentation “Role of Media and Communications in Human Rights Defense: a Case of Belarus” at the “Defense of Human Rights in Belarus” Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, December 9-10, 2006.
Presentation “Public Opinion on the Presidential Elections in Belarus” at the “Perspectives for Belarus after Presidential Elections” Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 25-26, 2006.
Presentation "EU and Belarus Prospects through Public Opinion" at the "EU and Belarus: Ways to Cooperation," Brussels, Belgium, March 26-29, 2006.
Presentation “EU Enlargement and Belarus: Hopes and Fears” at the “Ways of Belarus Development in the Context of EU Enlargement” Conference, Brussels, Belgium, November 3-5, 2005.
Presentation “Role of Think tanks in Public Policy in Belarus” at the “Role of Think tanks in Public Policy” Conference, Sofia, Bulgaria, July 5-7, 2005
Presentation “Corruption in Belarus through Public Opinion” at the “Fighting Corruption in the Transitional Countries” Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, May 30-June 1, 2005.
Presentation “Shifts in Belarusian Public Opinion during Independence” at the “Belarus on the Crossroads of Post-Communism” Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania, May 23-24, 2005.
Presentation “Future of Democracy in “Wider Europe”: Belarusian Challenge” at the “New Challenges for Democracy” Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 19-20, 2005
Presentation “Belarus and Wider Europe: Partner or Hindrance?” at the “Agenda for “Wider Europe” Conference, Vienna, Austria, May 21-23, 2004
Presentation “Belarus after Referendum and General Elections” at the “Test for Eastern Politics: Elections in Belarus and Ukraine” Conference, Warsaw, Poland, November 5-6, 2004.
Presentation “Expectations for Changes” at the “Belarus on the Eve of Parliamentary Elections” Seminar, Bonn, Deutsche Welle, Bonn, Germany, October 8-9, 2004.
Presentation “Internet as Factor for Democratization in Belarus” at the “By’2003” Conference, Minsk, March 23-24, 2003
Presentation “Development of Academic Specialty “Information and Communication” in Belarus” at the “Future Challenges for Communication in Western and Eastern Europe” Conference, Malaga, Spain, March 2-3, 2003
Presentation “Belarus: Uncertain Country in the Heart of Europe?” at the “Media Coverage of Belarus: A Model for Dealing with Consequences of EU Enlargement” Conference, Dortmund, Germany, February 7-8, 2003
Speaker and Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference “Formation of Public Opinion and Policy in Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus, February 7-8, 2002.
Presentation “Public Opinion in Belarus” at the “Social and Political Development in Belarus” Seminar, Berlin, December 5-6, 2002.
Presentation “Media and Communication Research in Belarus” at the “Media and Communication research in Europe” Seminar, Hamburg, Germany, December 16-17, 2002.
Presentation “Relevant Indicators for Media Research in Belarus” at the “Indicators for Media Research in European Trans-integration” Conference, Dortmund, Germany, May 23-25, 2002.
Presentation “Role of Think Tanks in Social Transformations in Belarus” at the “Think Tanks as Catalysts of social transformations”, Romania, Constanta, May 3-6, 2002.
Presentation “Ten years of independence: lessons from Belarus” at the “Ten years of Democratic Transformations” Conference, Warsaw, Poland, April 13-15, 2002.
Presentation “Peculiarities of Public Opinion Monitoring in Belarus” at the “Public Opinion Research in Central and Eastern Europe” Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, March 12-14, 2002.
Presentation “Media and Political Transformations in Belarus” at the “Post-Communist Political Transformations” Workshop, USC, Los Angels, USA, December 3-4, 2001.
Presentation “Post-Communist Dilemma: Aristocracy vs. Democracy or New Challenges to Media and Politics” at the II Sakharov Congress, Moscow, Russia, November 21-22, 2001
Presentation “Elections as a Factor of Democratic Development in Belarus” at the “Role of Elections in a Democratic Development” workshop, London, UK, June 4-5, 2001.
Presentation “Development of communication landscape in Belarus” at the “Trans-integration of the European Communication Landscape: major factors of change” Conference, Dortmund, Germany, May 24-26, 2001.
Presentation “Media and Democracy in Belarus” at the “Media and Democracy: European-Asian Prospects” Conference, Bellagio, Italy, April 9-13, 2001.
Presentation “Belarus as a Factor of Russian’s Foreign and Security Policies” at the “Russian’s Foreign and Security Policies” Conference, Wilton Park, UK, March 12-16, 2001.
Presentation “Dynamics of Radio Liberty Audience Development in Belarus” at the “Problems and Prospects for radio Liberty development in Belarus” Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic, January 13-15, 2001.
Speaker and Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference “Information and Analytical Infrastructure for Private Enterprise in Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus, March 3-4, 2000.
Presentation “Problems and Prospects of post-Communist Transformation: a Case of Belarus” at the International Symposium “Japan-Russia-Belarus: Prospects for Cooperation”, Tokyo, Japan, September 20-21, 2000
Presentation “Social-political Development of Belarus in International Context” at the “Turkey-Belarus: Prospects for Cooperation” Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, July 17-18, 2000.
Presentation “Media and Social Transformations in Independent Belarus” at the “Media and Communications in Cross-border Cooperation” Conference, Dortmund, Germany, May 10-12, 2000.
Presentation “Think Tanks on the Belarus Knowledge Market” at the “Global Development Network: Bridging Knowledge and policy” Conference, Bonn, Germany, December 5-8, 1999.
Presentation “Elections as a Mechanism of Social Transformation in Belarus” at the “Russia on the way to Presidential Elections” Conference, Wilton Park, UK, October 11-14, 1999.
Presentation “Electoral resources for Belarusian Democracy” at the “Democratic revolution in Central and Eastern Europe: Ten Years After” Conference, Budapest, June 15-17, 1999.
Presentation Speaker and Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference “Role of Youth in the Development of Civil Society in Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus, September 24-25, 1999.
Presentation “Media and Advocacy: Belarus Success Story” at the “Building Co-operation among Media Policy Research and Advocacy Centers”, Bellagio, Italy, November 23-27, 1998
Presentation “Role of Think Tanks in Strategy reforms Planning” at the “Strategy of Reforms: Seven Years After the Break-up” Conference, Moscow, Russia, September 14-16, 1998
Presentation “Role of Media in Recent Political and Economic Developments in Belarus” at the “Recent Political and Economic Developments in Belarus» Roundtable, ILHR, New York, USA, June 17, 1998
Presentation “Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Media in Belarus” at the “Promoting Independent and Pluralistic Media” UN/UNESCO European Seminar, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 10-13, 1997
Presentation “Problems of Media regulations in Belarus” at the “Media Regulations” UNESCO Seminar, Paris, France, March 13-14, 1997
Presentation “Peculiarities of Media and Communications in Belarus” at the 10th Congress of French Association of Information and Communication Sciences “Infocom-96”, Grenoble, France, November 14-16, 1996”
Presentation “Role of Media in Public Policy in Belarus” at the 5th Congress of French Association of Political Sciences, Aix-en-Provence, France, April 23-26, 1996
Speaker and Chairman of Organizing Committee of the Conference “Formation of Public Leaders in Post-Communist Belarus”, Minsk, Belarus, June 16-17, 1996.
Presentation “Role of Media and think tanks in Public policy in Belarus” at the “CEE Public Policy Institutes: Their Role Today and Strategies for the Future” Seminar, Budapest, Hungary, September 27-29, 1995
Presentation “Future of Journalism in Post-Communist Belarus” at "The Future of Journalism in the Information Society" Symposium, Leipzig, Germany, May 29-31, 1994
Co-Chairman of Sociological Section/Paper at the XIX Conference of IAMCR, Seoul, Korea, July 3-8, 1994.
Presentation “State vs. Media: a case of Belarus” at the 4th Working Group on Television/Radio Autonomy and the State, Commission on Radio and Television Policy Headed by President Carter, Washington D.C., USA, May 4-7, 1994
Presentation “Government and the Media in Belarus” at the “Government and the Media in Countries of the Former Soviet Block” Conference, Washington, D.C., USA, April 10-12, 1994
Speaker and Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee at the Conference "Economic Reforms in Post-Communist Society: Liberal Choice", Minsk, Belarus, November 19-21, 1993.
Participant and co-author of The Bratislava Declaration "The Right to Communicate in the Post Cold War Period" within the NG0-Forum on Human Rights of the United Nations World Conference in Vienna, Bratislava, Slovakia, June 10-11, 1993
Presentation “Media market in Belarus” at the “Free Market Economics and Media” ATLAS/TIMBRO Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, August 22-23, 1993
Presentation “Media Perspectives in Post-Communist Belarus” at the IAMCR Conference ”Europe in Turmoil: Global Perspectives”, Dublin, Ireland, June 23-27, 1993.
Speaker and Chairman of the International Colloquium "The Right to Communicate in Transition Society", Kiev, Ukraine, September 20-22, 1993.
Speaker and Co-Chairman of the International Symposium “Problems of Transition from Totalitarianism to Democracy", Belarus, Minsk, July 6-7, 1992.
Presentation “Media Audience Development in Belarus” at the 28th IAMCR Conference “Communications and New Technologies”, Guaruja, Brazil, August 16-21, 1992
Speaker and Co-Chairman of Organizing Committee at the Colloquium "Interaction of Media, Public and Power in Democratization Process", Minsk, Belarus, November 27-30, 1991.
Presentation “Alternative Media in the USSR” at the “Soviet Samizdat” Conference, Oxford, UK, October 1-4, 1991.
Presentation “Media Audience Research in the USSR” at the 27th IAMCR Conference, Lake Bled, Yugoslavia, August 26-30, 1990.
Presentation “Media and Communication Development in the USSR” at the 4th Congress of French Association of Information and Communication Sciences “Infocom-90”, Aix-en-Provence, France, May 24-26, 1990.
Presentation “Media and Democratization in the USSR” at the 2nd International Colloquium “Media and Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe”, Piran, Yugoslavia, September 12-15, 1989.
Institute of Security and Intelligence Studies, King University, TN, USA, February 2018.
Department of Political Science and International Relations, Middle Tennessee State University, USA, October 2017.
Department of Political Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, April 2009.
Department of International Relations, University of Leuven, Belgium, November 2005
Department of Communication, University of Malaga, Spain, November 2003.
Department of Communication, University Paris-III, France, November 2003.
Department of Communication, Aix-Marseille University I, France, November 2003.
Osteuropa Centrum, Berlin Town Hall, December 2002
Department of Radio-TV- Film and the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Texas, Austin, USA, November 2001.
Department of Journalism and Communication, Florida International University, USA, November 2001.
Unruh Institute for Political Studies, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, October 2001.
California State University in Chico, USA, September 1998.
Slavic Studies Department, University of California in Berkeley, USA, September 1998.
Center for International Private Enterprise, Washington, D.C., USA, May 1998.
NATO Headquarters, Mons, Belgium, October 1998.
Vilnius Summit of Presidents of Eastern European countries, Lithuania, Vilnius, September 1997.
Department of Communication, Humberside University, Hull, UK, March 1997.
Council of Europe, Strasbourg, France, January 1997.
Department of Communication, Grenoble University III, France, April 1997.
Department of Political Studies, Brown University, Providence, RI, USA, April 1994
Department of Communication, McGill University, Montreal, Canada, March 1994.
Department of Communication, University of Montreal, Canada, March 1994.
Department of Communication, Miami University, Oxford, OH, USA February 1994.
Department of Communication, University of Sao-Paulo, Brazil, August 1992.
Department of Communication, Polytechnic of Huddersfield, UK, October 1991.
Department of Communication, Queen Margaret College, Edinburgh, UK, October 1991.
Center for Mass Communication Research, University of Leicester, UK, October 1991.
Department of Communication, Westminster University, London, UK, October 1991.
Department of Communication, Webster University, London, UK, October 1991.
Department of Communication, The American University, Washington D.C., USA, May 1991.
Department of Communication, University of Washington, Seattle, USA, April 1991.
Department of Communication, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, April 1991.
Department of Communication, Université du Quebec a Montreal, Canada, April 1991.
Department of Communication, Laval University, Montreal, Canada, April 1991.
Department of Communication, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, April 1991.
Department of Communication, University Paris-III, France, May 1990.
Department of Communication, University Renn-II, France, May 1990.