Prof. Manaev’s interview to BelaPAN about consequences of new repressions against IISEPS, August 2017
Prof. Manaev’s letter to colleagues about WAPOR Statement, December 2016, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s letter to IISEPS partners about new repressions against IISEPS, August 2016, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s interview to BelaPAN about new repressions against IISEPS, August 2016, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Statement about new repressions against IISEPS, August 2016, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Statement about his arrest, October 2011, DOWNLOAD
Letters from students of Belarus State University, June 2010, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Statement about attempt to fire him from Belarus State University, June 2010, DOWNLOAD
Oleg Manaev’s interview to The Daily Beacon about media censoring in Belarus, April 4, 2008, DOWNLOAD
Oleg Manaev’s Compliant to the United Nations Human Rights Committee about IISEPS shutting down, April 2007, DOWNLOAD
Publication at Narodnaya Volya newspaper about Opinion Draft Law, October 26, 2006, DOWNLOAD
Publication at Narodnaya Volya newspaper about Opinion Draft Law, October 12, 2006, DOWNLOAD
Publication at Narodnaya Volya newspaper about Opinion Draft Law, September 1, 2006, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Complaint about of the General Prosecutor's Office second official warning, June 2006, and its Official reply (DOWNLOAD 1, DOWNLOAD 2)
Statement by Prof. Manaev’s Group on the Second official warning of the General Prosecutor's Office, June 2006, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Complaint about of the General Prosecutor's Office official warning, January 2006, and its Official reply (DOWNLOAD 1, DOWNLOAD 2)
IISEPS Press-Release about of the General Prosecutor's Office official warning, January 2006, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s speech at the National Congress of Democratic Forces, October 2005
IISEPS Explanations to the Supreme Court, April 2005, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS Statement about its shut down by the Supreme Court, April 2005, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Statement about participation at the International Conference “A New Quest for Democracy” in Bratislava, March 2005, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s interview to Narodnaya Volya newspaper about the Complaint to the Supreme Court against the Ministry of Justice, February, 2005, DOWNLOAD
Lawsuit «IISEPS vs. Ministry of Justice» heard in the Supreme Court, January 2005, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS Statement about the Complaint to the Supreme Court against the Ministry of Justice, February, 2005, DOWNLOAD
Publication at Narodnaya Volya newspaper about repressions against IISEPS, January, 2005, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS Complaint to the Supreme Court against the Ministry of Justice, December 2004, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS Statement about KGB night search, December 2004, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Letter to Minister of Justice Viktor Golovanov, December 2004, DOWNLOAD
Publication of a book “Independent Research in Independent Belarus: Fighting for Reality”, ed. by Oleg Manaev, Novosibirsk, “Vodoley”, 2004, 414 pp. DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Letter to Minister of Justice Viktor Golovanov, October 2004, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS Statement about Ministry of Justice incompetent actions against IISEPS, March 2004, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s Letter to Prof. Kotlyarov about attending the Polling Commission, November 2002, DOWNLOAD
IISEPS comments of the Government’s Resolution on the Polling Commission, September, 2002, DOWNLOAD
Belarusian Think Tanks Statement about the Government’s Resolution on the Polling Commission, June 2002, DOWNLOAD
Belarusian Think Tanks Statement about a Letter from the Presidential Administration of Belarus, February 2002, DOWNLOAD
Belarusian Think Tanks’ Letter to Minister of Foreign Affairs Ural Latypov about shutting down TACIS Program in Belarus, February 12, 1998, DOWNLOAD
Prof. Manaev’s interview to Zvyazda newspaper about Civil Construction concept for Belarus, November, 1995, DOWNLOAD